Meet The Players: Cerina

My first "Meet The Players" introduces us to one of the helping hands of the guild hall section on Bioware's official forums. Cerina has been a great help to the community by offering to design guild logos for free. The only thing Cerina has asked is that you consider donating to help Japan in their time of need.

Cerina, so how did you decide on your name?
Cerina is a variation in a wierd way Serina Pronounced Sir-ena.

Could you tell us a little bit about your gaming background?
Space Above Beyond was my very first mmo. (I think that was the name) Then I got hooked on Star Wars Galaxies then when NGE hit I left. Been playing WoW off and on over the years and played some Star Trek online which I found lacking. I even tried to like LOTRO.

What made you interested in TOR?
I have been waiting for TOR for a long time. And when Bioware got it that is when I became excited. But the delay for the release is killing me. 

Your efforts to provide logos to other guilds has been well met on the forums. Is there any particular reason why you decided to take on this burden?
No one else was stepping up and since I have a background in graphic design (did it professionally 15 years ago) I decided to put the trade to good use helping others promote their guilds. So yes my skills are rather rusty. I am having to relearn two different graphics tools. 

You are the leader of a guild called Celtic Thunder. Tell us a bit about the inspiration behind what made you want to be a guild leader.
Last time I led a guild was back in 2003 to 2005. I have the ability to lead and said why not. I am an easy going person who does not take things seriously and wanted to maintain that state of mind by recruiting players like me who do not get mad when a group wipes in an instance.

I am of the try again until you make it even if you fail 100's of times mind. Hopefully it wont take more than 5 times to get through an instance. :D

If people want to learn more about your guild, how would they go about doing that?
Visit the guilds boards and sign up if you think you are a good fit:

And see the internal boards here to sign up as well:

In your thread where you design logos you ask that people consider donating to Japan's relief effort. There have been some cruel things said about this tragedy by ignorant people. What would you say to the detractors of of the relief efforts. One word answers are allowed.
People these days on the internet will say just about anything that is nasty because they can get away with it. Zero accountability. I am sure there are some people who want to say nasty things about me as well for offering to do logos or even perhaps some who think my work is below par.

This world needs more kindness. I am a stay at home girlfriend and this is my way of helping this community and the relief effort in Japan.

I spoke with Edward James Olmos [editors note: ENVY!] not to long ago and asked him what I could do to make this world a better place and he said volunteer in your communities. I have taken that to heart and i'm using my talent to help others. If another disaster comes up I will volunteer my talents for that as well.

Is there any special game you are waiting for that is wookie free?
I was playing DCUO. Awesome game but I did not sub again because I am waiting for this game to come out and I am saving up for a ATI 5770 video card and a 550 watt power supply. So no new games until SWTOR. I do play wow and I lead the PVP group once a week.

It is launch day and you press the enter key to start typing. What is the first emote that you try to do?

What is the last movie you watched and what did you think of it?
Home Room. A 2002 movie about a school shooting. I watched it for the first time 2 days ago on Netflix and it just hit me how much garbage kids face these days. I would say it was awesome but the fact is it was thought provoking.

Speaking of movies, what is the ultimate movie snack.

What is one of your most memorable moments in your gaming history.
Unlocking Jedi in SWG.

If you could make it mandatory that every self proclaimed gamer must play one game, what game would that be?
SWTOR of course.

On to our final question. Which TOR class stands out to you the most? Is there any reason why?
I am biased...Jedi all the way. I like to swing that glowbat. :)

Wrapping up now, is there anything else you would like to add?
Be kind to each other.

I want to thank Cerina for sharing valuable time with me. She has been a great help to the community and I am glad we have her as part of our community. I look forward to seeing Cerina around for many many more moons.

  1. Thats her profile page. Go say hi to her if you get the chance.

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