Nooby Noob & Me

I have played Warhammer Online for some time now with short breaks every so often. However, in all my time in WAR, I have never played on the side of destruction. I mean that in the extreme. I have virtually zero experience with the destruction forces. However, that all changed today.

I am now a fierce dark elf sorceress. Yeah, I play a woman, want to fight about it? I am not alone though. With me I pack all of the knowledge and power of a "noob". Not just a noob in the vague sense though. I mean a downright nooby noob who's experience amounts to a very short stint in World of Warcraft. This bit of fresh meat has rolled a sorcerer and is fond of killing unicorns. What else he may prove capable of, I do not know. I do hope though that it extends beyond killing the stuff of dreams.

It has been interesting watching the evolution of Nooby Noob as we venture through the Blighted Isle. Many questions, several plummeting deaths, and a few inappropriate jokes at my sorceresses expense and yet he continues. He continues through every quest, public quest, and he doesn't mind the bugs. Nooby Noob is a fine companion in that sense. Bugs are not uncommon in WAR's PvE content, tripping over them could have been a problem but not for him, not my Nooby. Instead he finds challenges to rise to in some of these buggy encounters. I myself get to enjoy his humorous attempts to make due in spite of them.

In one such buggy encounter we were tasked with killing an elf with a hat reminiscent of something from Coneheads. This elf has magical powers of sorts though. This la-dee-da poof was able to teleport from sight the moment you got close. His abilities did not end there though. He also possessed great skill in mockery. This poof enjoyed appearing, at what I assumed was random times, only to vanish again when approached. Nooby did not agree and was sure that he could make this enemy reappear by successfully killing helpless animals in a set order, within a certain time frame, and while on a set path. His logic? That is what he was doing both times when our magical poof appeared before. Nooby ran left, Nooby ran right, Nooby ran until he had not any fight.

Say what you will about Nooby, but he is more persistent than most. In the mists of uncertainty at taking on such an apprentice breaths a sort of fire -- hope.

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