Steam Idea - Events Page

Steam is set up to encourage friendships, rivalries, and all sorts of competition. However, it does it sloppily and it seems that whomever is in charge is unaware of its possibilities. The remedy? An events page built into the Steam client and on the official community web page. Through this events page, people would have the opportunity to reach out and connect to the community to make the memorable bonds that only Steam can offer.

First of all, a change would need to be made to the pages where events are listed. Added would be the option to choose "Private" or "Public". Private meaning that only group members may see the listing and public meaning that anyone may participate and thus the event is listed on the new events page.

Through the events page people could browse upcoming  and current events. Are you tired of not finding any matches for that game that is just so awesome but nobody else sees it but you? Look no further! Select your game from a dropdown menu and see what events are coming up for it. No longer will you have to join ten groups just to find the one that is active.

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