Different Flavors of Human

So this is a post that is long overdue, originally being meant for a response to a forum post by Daniel Erickson. His statement was, summed up, that players could not relate to alien like creatures. I typed up the post, read it over, and never published it. I think that my disappointment at not being able to play rodian, mon calamari, or a kel dor had clouded my post. You could even say that it veered towards the dark side.

However, the topic is hot once more for me. This time though, I think my head is a bit more clear. Recently torocast.com reported that there will be no playable species that do not have a "human physique". I guess it is safe to say that Daniel Erickson, or whomever is the shot caller, was not swayed by my like minded forum warriors.

This is hugely disappointing to me. I still strongly disagree and think that players can relate to alien creatures. Many of us have become comfortable with the idea and enjoy it thoroughly. In Oblivion, I most recently played a cross between a demon and an orc. He may have been a fiercely ugly creature, even to his own peoples standards, but he was mine. At the end of the day, I still think that the option should be left open for players.

The Star Wars universe pioneered, I suspect unintentionally, the growth of alien and human integration. We have come far since then. Horror movies and early sci-fi took to the cheap tricks that we are seeing here. Want a demon? Throw some horns on a guy. Want an alien? Color its skin blue. Not everyone has grown past this but a lot have.

Use that story telling Bioware is waving like a banner and teach the unknowing masses. I feel more engaged when I am relating to an alien because it is a unique experience. I did this for a long while in my SWG days as a Rodian and I never had issues developing a back story for him in my mind and acting out as I think he would. I did all of the same things I did as I played through Mass Effect. I became the character. Now mind you this was before I had ever tried embracing the RP label.

Relegating alien species to simply sidekicks? Damn you George Lucas for setting precedent and damn you Bioware for following it. Uh-oh, it seems the dark side is creeping up again.

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