Realtime Worlds Gamersfirst Lets Loose APB

A few days ago APB Reloaded joined Steam. The game looked stylish and free so I decided to give it a try. I haven't regretted it so far. While Realtime Worlds did the hard work, Gamersfirst gave this game its legs.

First off, the character creator is brilliant. Likely the best I have ever seen. You can shape your avatar however you want with the right imagination. Once you get in game there is even more customization you can do. APB Reloaded has a powerful design creation feature that functions like a simplified photoshop. Sure it is not as powerful as the Adobe software but it can still achieve almost any design with enough time invested.

Aesthetic customization doesn't end there though. Each character is given a vehicle start with and is able to customize it to their liking. The same powerful system that allows you to customize your character is what you will be using to slickify your car.

Other customization exists such as weapon modifications, character modifications, and vehicle modifications. All three open up the door to trade off improvements that usually bolster one stat while decreasing another. This is quite in depth and I have heard that Gamesfirst wants to expand the list of available modifications.

The missions can be a bit repetitive with defend this, deliver that, burn/spray/hack those, and a few other variations. I can overlook this though because of the fact that all of these missions are played against other players. The combat is where I believe the game shines. If your doing it right you will constantly be moving and ever vigilant. This makes each encounter interesting as your will be scaling buildings, leaping over fences, and chucking grenades.

Driving is also great fun. I wasn't there for APB's launch under Realtime Worlds but I have been told that driving was a steep curve before you got anything worth sitting behind the wheel of. This seems to have all changed as every vehicle handles well but each has its own style. I can't stand driving a taxi with its turning style but put me behind a four door truck and I am a beast on the street.

Overall APB Reloaded is an excellent game and if your someone who loves PvP then I would recommend you give it a go. If you are more into PvE, nothing wrong with that, then APB Reloaded likely won't be enjoyable for you.

I want to leave you with one last tip. When you first start, don't be disheartened if you lose your first few missions. When you first enter the world the game will pair you with anyone regardless of their standing. This is so it can find a good place to rank you. Once you are ranked you will paired against people of similar skill level more often than not.

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